Japantown to Chinatown Walk

  • May 19, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Nisei VFW Post 8985, 1515 4th Street, Sacramento

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Japantown to Chinatown Tour

Part of the Jane Jacobs Walk series. See https://www.preservationsacramento.org/jane-jacobs for details on all events.

Date: Sunday May 19, 10 AM

Starting Location: Nisei VFW Post 8985, 1515 4th Street, Sacramento

Tour Leader: William Burg, Preservation Sacramento

This tour will begin outside the only two buildings in downtown Sacramento that survived the redevelopment of Sacramento's Japantown, proceeding up 4th Street across Capitol Mall, stopping at a site where a mural is being created to commemorate our city's lost Japantown. Proceeding north to K Street up 4th Street, we will visit two sites of historically significant murals by the Royal Chicano Air Force, commemorating the Latino barrio once located on L Street. Finally, we will reach Sacramento's Mid-century Chinatown, a superblock of buildings dating from 1959 to the 1970s, mostly designed by Chinese-American architects and create through a partnership between local Chinese-American businesses and the city's redevelopment agency. We will discuss how these neighborhoods faced the challenges of redevelopment and displacement, how those responses changed over time, the architecture and design of the buildings on the sites and how they can be used in the present day, and how we can commemorate the histories of the people who once lived in these areas and were displaced by subsequent development, including the indigenous people of the region.

Reservation required; maximum 50 attendees.

Preservation Sacramento 

P.O. Box 162140  |  Sacramento, California  95816  |  916-202-4815  |  preservation.sacramento@gmail.com

Preservation Sacramento is a 501(c)(4).

Any donations can not be deducted from your income taxes, but all donations will go towards preserving Sacramento's historic places.

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