Terra Cotta Buildings Walk

  • May 11, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Sacramento Historic City Hall, 915 I Street

Terra Cotta Buildings Tour

Part of the Jane Jacobs Walk series. See https://www.preservationsacramento.org/jane-jacobs for details on all events.

Date: Saturday, May 11, 10 AM-11:30 AM

Starting Location: Sacramento Historic City Hall, 915 I Street, Sacramento

Tour Leader: Bruce Marwick, Sacramento Art Deco Society

Description: 10:00 - 11:30 am. Bruce Marwick of the Sacramento Art Deco Society leads a 90-minute walking tour of downtown terra cotta buildings. Special emphasis will be on buildings that have architectural terra cotta created by Gladding McBean. Along the route examples of terra cotta cherubs, lions, and big horn sheep will be pointed out and noted Sacramento architects will be discussed, including Rudolph Herold, Charles Dean, and Harry Devine, Sr. The .75 mile tour begins on the steps of the historic City Hall at 915 I St. and ends at the Coleman Fountain in Cesar Chavez Plaza.

Reservation required; maximum 30 attendees

Preservation Sacramento 

P.O. Box 162140  |  Sacramento, California  95816  |  916-202-4815  |  preservation.sacramento@gmail.com

Preservation Sacramento is a 501(c)(4).

Any donations can not be deducted from your income taxes, but all donations will go towards preserving Sacramento's historic places.

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